
  1. The Nikon Coolscan 5000ED Returns

    June 30, 2018
    Look out! Here comes High Speed USB 2.0!! Note: The awesome 2004 brochure — subtitled “Timemachineography™ (??) — the above image comes from is still live on Nikon USA’s website. Find it here: Several years after wandering in the film scanning wilderness, I’ve re-acquired a Nikon Coolscan 5000. I…

  2. Review: Roly Poly Changeable ISO Slide Film

    June 19, 2018
    Roly Poly Changeable ISO Slide Film has an awesome box No, the sub-editor for this piece hasn’t suffered some form of minor stroke [hint: there is no sub-editor], this is a serious piece about a serious film. You out there in the real world may know it better as Rollei

  3. Getting the Band(ing) Back Together

    May 21, 2018
    My Pacific Image PF120 Pro (l) and Nikon Coolscan 5000ED (r) in happier days Dear readers, I have been living a lie. For the past little while, I’ve assured you that I was settled on film scanners. That I had made my (flat)bed and was relatively content sleeping in it:…

  4. Hi Redbubble, we need to talk

    May 12, 2018
    Hi Redbubble, We need to talk. I have been a long-time user and advocate of Redbubble’s work. I’ve always been delighted with the quality and range of products as both a customer and artist. I’ve submitted entries for competitions and residencies and generally felt very positive about the company. But…

  5. Unfair Use

    May 11, 2018
    If you’re a photographer looking to sell your works with little of the overhead or effort usually required, then Redbubble is a great place to be. And it’s not only prints you can offer, but your photography or any other type of art on a range of products from duvet…

  6. Hindsight is 1440x1080

    April 21, 2018
    Sony HDR-FX1 (Sony Press Image from 2004) Anyone who’s bought a new camera over the past fifteen years can tell you how far digital photography has come. From a clunky 3.1 megapixel ‘compact’ ($2,000+ back in the day), to the unobtanium that was a 128mb SmartMedia card ($270; ‘never run…

  7. A Terrible Vista

    March 10, 2018
    “THEY’RE DEAD. THEY’RE ALL. DEAD.” Two more films are said to have bitten the dust: AgfaPhoto Vista Plus 200 and 400 colour negative films. It’s an open secret that these films are manufactured by Fujifilm in Japan, however these emulsions have been a cheap and reliable product for many film…

  8. Negative News That isn’t Pushing It

    February 23, 2018
    Every day in the 21st century when a new or re-engineered photographic film is announced is a good day. Today is one of those days with Kodak announcing the un-discontinuation of P3200 TMAX — the last great high-speed black and white film (put down your pitchforks, I’ve just never liked…

  9. London’s Brutal Reality

    February 13, 2018
    I like big blocks and I cannot lie. Big blocks of raw concrete, that is. And as a fan of concrete architecture, there are few cities better for appreciating this polarising material than London. From grand cultural buildings to small-scale functional infrastructure, raw concrete altered London’s post-war cityscape more than…

  10. Anatomy of a Camera Bag: Billingham Hadley Pro

    January 17, 2018
    Billingham Hadley Pro BeginningFor some photographers, the camera bag is a vital piece of equipment. Not only is it a space for protecting valuable gear from the elements, but it’s a space of concealment for other bits and pieces too. For others, camera bags are unnecessary barriers preventing the…

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